I hope you find this blog informative or even entertaining. If you’re a repeat reader, thanks for being a glutton for punishment…er, thanks for coming back. But for the sake of being lawyerly (for the uninitiated, that’s pronounced “for the sake of covering my a--”), there are a few things I need to mention:
First, patent practice is highly fact specific. I give my clients advice after they’ve given me the relevant facts, and in this business, one small piece of information can make a big difference. Since I haven’t obtained any facts from any of you readers about anything, let alone been presented with a legal question based on those (unpresented) facts, it follows nothing on this blog is meant to constitute legal advice.
Second, a corollary to the first part: as I’m not giving legal advice, this blog doesn’t create an attorney-client relationship, and I’m not soliciting business. Which is good for both of us, since before establishing such a relationship I need to make sure I don’t have a conflict of interest, and if you communicate with me via this there-for-all-to-see blog once such relationship is established, you may have waived privilege.
Third, while I try to make sure my posts are up-to-date as of their posting, I’m only human. (I know, it’s a horrible admission for a lawyer to make. So sue me. Or tell the bar association to take away my license for conduct unbecoming of a member of the bar.) And I don’t necessarily go back and update earlier posts, or make new posts when there’s a new development that renders something I said earlier inaccurate. So don’t rely on what I say as necessarily accurate – do your own fact- and law-checking.
Finally, any opinions expressed on this blog – and I am opinionated – are mine. They’re not my clients’ opinions, and they’re not the opinions of the other patent and legal professionals with whom I work or otherwise am associated.
In short, have fun reading the blog, and I hope you’re impressed with my erudition and deftness with the quill, but God help you if you rely on what you read in this blog as legal advice.
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