When Jews finish studying a tractate of Talmud, there's a prayer that is traditionally recited, which includes the following declaration:
"For we arise early, and they arise early; we arise for words of Torah, and they arise for words of emptiness. We work, and they work; we work and receive a reward, and they work and do not receive a reward. We run, and they run; we run towards eternal life, and they run to a pit of desolation."
I thought of this as reports have come out over the past day of the IDF entering Shifa hospital in Gaza. This is the biggest (ostensible) hospital in Gaza and the one that Hamas has used as a command center.
One of the biggest hospital complexes in Israel is the Chaim Sheba Medical Center, also known as Tel Hashomer, and they don't only treat but also do a lot of research. Hence a search in WIPO's Patentscope reveals dozens of published PCTs on which Sheba is listed as the applicant.
A comparable search for "Shifa" yields none for the hospital in Gaza.
"But," you might be quick to respond, "'Palestine' isn't a country and therefore can't be part of the PCT!". True. But if you change the country where the patent application was filed, you get the same thing: none for Shifa at the EPO or in the US, dozens for Sheba.
The same is true of the other big medical centers in Israel, such as Ichilov (Sourasky) or Hadassah. I just focused on Sheba because it sounds similar to "Shifa".
18 years since Israel forcibly evicted its citizens from Gaza and gave control to the Arabs, tons of Euromoney to help build infrastructure, and what do they have to show for it? Tunnels and weapons and a lot of dead people.