Subject matter eligibility under 35 USC §101, and the requirements for compliance with the written description and enablement requirements of 35 USC §112, have been areas of rapid legal development for several years. Unfortunately, these areas remain in flux: in the past year, the USPTO has issued new §101 and §112 guidance, with more expected by the end of the summer; the Patent Trial and Appeal Board continues to turn out decisions that affect USPTO policy in these areas; the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit seems to vacillate in its rulings; and Congress is now considering new legislation that would affect not only §101 but the scope of PTAB review.
The American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) and the Zvi Meitar Institute of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) invite patent practitioners, inventors and other interested individuals to a half-day session in which these topics will be discussed, along with a brief update on the state of obviousness-type double-patenting. Presenters will be experienced US practitioners representing different disciplines, including Kevin Noonan (McDonnell Boehnen), Daniel Sherwinter (Kilpatrick Stockton), Aaron Feigelson (Leydig Voit & Mayer), David Postolski (Gearhart Law), William Mandir (Sughrue Mion), and yours truly.
The cost of the program will be 190 shekels, and participants must register in advance.
Register online at