Carl Oppedahl is a patent attorney in Colorado, and besides having great views out his office window, he's a technophile who years ago set up a slew of listservs pertaining to different aspects of US IP practice. There are some sharp and knowledgeable people who frequent those fora, and over the years I've found them to be quite informative and helpful. So after using the Israel PTO electronic filing system for a while and finding it, shall we say, wanting, in many respects, I approached Carl about setting up a listserv for users of electronic patent filing system in Israel, and he was kind enough to establish such a list. Thank you Carl!
You can subscribe here:
(Yes, I know, listservs are sooooo 1990's, but I refuse to set up a Facebook account, and there are some pretty good exchanges that happen on the existing IP listservs.)
My hope is that this forum will be a way for users of the ILPTO system to share information in a timely manner (did you know, for example, that the system is presently down for filings requiring payment b/c of problems with the central government payment server? Heaven forfend that the ILPTO post that information on its website to let us all know). But I'm also hoping that if enough people use it, and raise enough issues, it will be able to serve as a partial written record of just how bad this filing system is, so that we can get the ILPTO's attention and get the system fixed, or relax the criterion that patent practitioners MUST file electronically.
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